# Gateway
Gateways provide redundant entry points to the P2P networks. They allow clients to reach decentralized services from a simple HTTP/WebSocket endpoint.
The following diagram shows the gateway's overall architecture and components.

# Discovery mechanism
A Gateway is a neutral piece of the ecosystem which can be hosted by any third party. Any kind of organization might run Gateway instances to improve network access and increase resilience against potential attacks.
To this end, Gateways use an automatic discovery system through a P2P messaging network so that Bootnodes know of their existence. Clients make requests to Bootnodes and fetch a fresh list of working Gateways.
# API definition
A Gateway exposes APIs that enable accessing peer-to-peer networks. The currently supported API schemes are the following:
Info API
: details about the gatewayCensus API
access to the Census ServiceVote API
access to the Vochain methods for votingResults API
access to the Vochain methods for computing election resultsIndexer API
access to the Indexer methods for analyzing the VochainFile API
access to P2P file storage methods
These APIs can be used by web and mobile clients using an HTTP/WS endpoint.
The API methods below follow the JSON API specifications.
# Info API
# Get Gateway Info
Get an overview of the gateway status: available APIs, health and whether private methods are available or not.
"id": "req-2345679",
"request": {
"method": "getInfo",
"timestamp": 1556110671 // optional, not required
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"apiList": ["census","file","vote", "results"],
"chainId": "vocdoni-release-1.3", // the Vochain chainID on which the gateway is connected
"health": 65, // A number between 1 and 100 that indicates the health of the gateway (resource consumption, network status, etc.)
"ok": true,
"request": "req-2345679", // Request ID here as well, to check its integrity
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
# Census API
The Census API methods can be found on the Census Service section.
# Vote API
# Get Transaction Cost
Get the token cost for a single transaction type.
"id": "req-2345679",
"request": {
"method": "getTxCost",
"type":"NewProcess", // NewProcess, SetProcessStatus, SetProcessCensus, SetProcessQuestionIndex, AddProcessKeys, RevealProcessKeys, AddOracle, RemoveOracle, AddValidator, RemoveValidator, Vote, SetProcessResults, RegisterVoterKey, MintTokens, SendTokens, SetTransactionCosts, SetAccountInfo, AddDelegateForAccount, DelDelegateForAccount, CollectFaucet
"timestamp": 1556110671 // optional, not required
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"ok": true,
"request": "req-2345679", // Request ID here as well, to check its integrity
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
# Submit Raw Vochain Transaction
Send a Vote Envelope to the mempool of the Vochain.
"id": "req-2345679",
"request": {
"method": "submitRawTx",
"payload": "base64string", // A raw transaction (protobuf encoded) payload in base64
"timestamp": 1556110671
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"ok": true,
"payload": "hexString", // specific transaction data: nullifier or processID
"hash": "hexString", // the transaction hash so it can be tracked
"request": "req-2345679",
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
# Submit Envelope
Send a Vote Envelope to the mempool of the Vochain.
"id": "req-2345679",
"request": {
"method": "submitEnvelope",
"payload": "base64string", // Vote envelope (protobuf encoded) payload in base64
"signature": "hexString", // signature of the payload if the process requires it
"timestamp": 1556110671
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"ok": true,
"request": "req-2345679",
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
Used in:
# Get Envelope Status
Check the status of an already submitted Vote Envelope. The envelope is identified by the voter's nullifier.
"id": "req-2345679",
"request": {
"method": "getEnvelopeStatus",
"nullifier": "hexString",
"timestamp": 1556110671
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"registered": true, // Whether the vote is registered or not
"blockTimestamp": 1556110672, // only if registered == true
"height": 1234, // only if registered == true
"request": "req-2345679",
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
Used in:
# Get Envelope Height
Get the number of envelopes registered on a given process.
"id": "req-2345679",
"request": {
"method": "getEnvelopeHeight",
"processId": "hexString",
"timestamp": 1556110671
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"ok": true,
"height": 1234, // Number of envelopes for the process ID
"request": "req-2345679",
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Block Height
Get the current block number on the Vochain.
"id": "req-12345678",
"request": {
"method": "getBlockHeight",
"timestamp": 1556110671
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"blockTimestamp": 1556110672,
"ok": true,
"height": 12345,
"request": "req-2345679",
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Process Keys
Get the available encryption keys for the given process ID.
If the process has encrypted votes and it is on-going, encryptionPubkeys
and commitmentKeys
should be available. Once the process has ended, encryptionPrivKeys
and revealKeys
will be also be available.
Vote Package encryption and decryption keys are expected to follow the order of their indexes. Smaller indexes are used first and it's important to note that indexes might not be consecutive.
"id": "req-2345679",
"request": {
"method": "getProcessKeys",
"processId": "hexString",
"timestamp": 1556110671
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"encryptionPubKeys": [ {"idx": 1, "key": "1234567890..."}, {"idx": 6, "key": "2345678901..."}, ... ],
"commitmentKeys": [ {"idx": 1, "key": "1234567890..."}, {"idx": 6, "key": "2345678901..."}, ... ],
"encryptionPrivKeys": [ {"idx": 1, "key": "1234567890..."}, {"idx": 6, "key": "2345678901..."}, ... ],
"revealKeys": [ {"idx": 1, "key": "1234567890..."}, {"idx": 6, "key": "2345678901..."}, ... ],
"request": "req-2345679",
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
Used in:
# Get Block Status
Get details about the current block and the average block time for the last 1m, 10m, 1h, 6h and 24h.
"id": "req-12345678",
"request": {
"method": "getBlockStatus",
"timestamp": 1556110671
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"blockTime": [10000, 12000, 12200, 12500, 12600], // In milliseconds, average for 1 minute, 10m, 1h, 6h, 24h. If no average yet, values are 0
"blockTimestamp": 1556110672, // in seconds
"height": 12345,
"ok": true,
"request": "req-2345679",
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
# Get pre-register voter weight
For a pre-register processes, returns the used weight for an address.
"id": "req-12345678",
"request": {
"method": "getPreregisterVoterWeight",
"voterAddress": "hexString", // the Ethereum address of the registered pubKey
"processId": "hexString",
"timestamp": 1556110671
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"weight": "1",
"ok": true,
"request": "req-2345679",
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
# Results API
# Get Process List
Get a list of processes for a specific entity or namespace on the Vochain. There is a hardcoded maximum size of 64 per page.
The results are ordered from process creation date. So processes created recently will appear first on the list.
The following query filters can be used:
can be used for retreiving the list of processes from a specific entity organization.from
can be used to seek specific positions and start from them. So if a call withoutfrom
(from = 0
) returns 64 values, a second call withfrom = 64
will get the next 64 values.namespace
can be used for querying only a specific namespace. The namespace zero (default value) means all existing namespaces.sourceNetworkId
can be used for querying only a specific network origin (where the process has been created). Current possible values are: UNKNOWN, ETH_MAINNET, ETH_RINKEBY, ETH_GOERLI, POA_XDAI, POA_SOKOL, POLYGON, BSC, ETH_MAINNET_SIGNALING, ETH_RINKEBY_SIGNALING An empty string is also allowed (means no filter).searchTerm
can be used for querying a specific process ID or partial ID.status
can be used for querying processes on a specific status (READY, PAUSED, CANCELED, ENDED or RESULTS).withResults
bool filter can be used for quering only those processes that already have results (open process or finished with revealed keys).
"request": {
"entityId": "hexString",
"from": 8,
"listSize": 10,
"method": "getProcessList",
"namespace": 0,
"sourceNetworkId": "ETH_MAINNET",
"searchTerm": "hexString",
"status": "",
"timestamp": 1620066207,
"withResults": false
"id": "847",
"response": {
"ok": true,
"processList": [
"request": "847",
"size": 10,
"timestamp": 1620066207
"id": "847",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Process Info
Get the full information from an existing process.
"request": {
"method": "getProcessInfo",
"processId": "hexString",
"timestamp": 1620060163
"id": "410",
"response": {
"ok": true,
"process": {
"censusOrigin": 11,
"censusRoot": "hexString",
"censusURI": "",
"metadata": "ipfs://QmTtSkt9BQyXhCAAThG6JgdQcCdSJXKRVzoeQz6mjusTZ6",
"creationTime": "2021-05-03T11:38:03-04:00",
"endBlock": 103991,
"entityId": "hexString",
"entityIndex": 5,
"envelopeType": {
"encryptedVotes": true,
"serial": false,
"anonymous": false,
"uniqueValues": false,
"costFromWeight": false
"finalResults": false,
"haveResults": false,
"namespace": 2,
"sourceNetworkId": "ETH_RINKEBY",
"processId": "hexString",
"processMode": {
"autoStart": true,
"interruptible": false,
"dynamicCensus": false,
"encryptedMetaData": false,
"preRegister": false
"questionIndex": 0,
"sourceBlockHeight": 812000,
"startBlock": 26464,
"status": 1,
"voteOptions": {
"costExponent": 10000,
"maxCount": 1,
"maxValue": 2,
"maxVoteOverwrites": 1,
"maxTotalCost": 4
"request": "410",
"timestamp": 1620060163
"id": "410",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Process Summary
Get a minimal summary for the given process.
"request": {
"method": "getProcessSummary",
"processId": "hexString",
"timestamp": 1622039347
"id": "59",
"signature": "hexString"
"response": {
"ok": true,
"processSummary": {
"blockCount": 500,
"entityId": "hexString",
"entityIndex": 1,
"metadata": "ipfs://...",
"envelopeHeight": 41156,
"envelopeType": {
"anonymous": true,
"encrypted": true,
"costFromWeight": true,
"serial": true,
"uniqueValues": true
"sourceNetworkID": "UNKNOWN",
"startBlock": 82326,
"state": "RESULTS",
"request": "59",
"timestamp": 1622039356
"id": "59",
"signature": "776ee4eaeed05dd840c43e81d73422379d8d2ab583889afb16a5f5fd240cfd6a175d4a9595057402f98a457e2aabb7d9cdf3cc507c7ebce927a629935568170300"
# Get Process Count
Returns the number of processes registered on the Vochain.
The following query filters can be used:
can be used for retreiving the number of processes registered by a specific entity organization.
"id": "req-2345679",
"request": {
"entityId": "hexString",
"method": "getProcessCount",
"timestamp": 1556110671
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"request": "req-2345679",
"size": 198,
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Process Results
Get the results of the given processId, as indexed by the scrutinizer. If the process doesn't have encrypted votes but it has already started, then the gateway returns the partial results. The results can only be considered final if final
is true.
The results of an election are represented in the following format.
"request": {
"method": "getResults",
"processId": "hexString",
"timestamp": 1620076071
"id": "235",
"response": {
"final": false,
"height": 4,
"ok": true,
"request": "235",
"results": [
"state": "READY",
"timestamp": 1620076071,
"type": "poll open single",
"weight": "4"
"id": "235",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Results Weight
The results weight is the total amount of voting power that have been cast for a processId. For a non-weighted process the weight will be equal to the number of votes. This information can be queried in real-time on encrypted elections too.
"request": {
"method": "getResultsWeight",
"processId": "hexString",
"timestamp": 1620076071
"id": "236",
"response": {
"weight": "4"
"id": "236",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Entity List
Get a list of entities that created at least 1 process on the Vochain.
The from
field can be used to seek specific positions and start from them. So if a call without from
(from = 0
) returns 64 values, a second call with from = 64
will get the next 64 values.
The following query filters can be used:
can be used for querying a specific entity ID or partial ID.
"request": {
"from": 0,
"listSize": 6,
"method": "getEntityList",
"searchTerm": "hexString",
"timestamp": 1620075711
"id": "511",
"response": {
"entityIds": [
"ok": true,
"request": "511",
"timestamp": 1620075711
"id": "511",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Entity Count
Returns the number of entities registered on the Vochain (those that have created at least one process).
"id": "req-2345679",
"request": {
"method": "getEntityCount",
"timestamp": 1556110671
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"request": "req-2345679",
"size": 14,
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Envelope
Get the content of an existing Vote Envelope. The envelope is identified by the nullifier. height
and txIndex
refer to the block height and the index on that block, respectively, of the transaction containing this vote envelope. These fields can be used with Get Tx to fetch this transaction.
"request": {
"method": "getEnvelope",
"nullifier": "hexString",
"timestamp": 1620074081
"id": "81",
"response": {
"envelope": {
"encryption_key_indexes": null,
"meta": {
"height": 357,
"nullifier": "hexString",
"process_id": "hexString",
"tx_hash": "hexString",
"tx_index": 0,
"voter_id": "hexString"
"nonce": "hexString",
"signature": "hexString",
"vote_package": "base64String",
"weight": "1"
"ok": true,
"registered": true,
"request": "81",
"timestamp": 1620225283
"id": "81",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Account
Get an existing account given its address.
"request": {
"method": "getAccount",
"entityId": "hexString",
"timestamp": 1620074081
"id": "81",
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"request": "req-2345679",
"balance": 120,
"nonce": 3,
"processNonce": 2,
"infoURI": "ipfs://123",
"delegates": [
"ok": true,
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Treasurer
Gets the chain Treasurer.
"request": {
"method": "getTreasurer",
"timestamp": 1620074081
"id": "81",
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"request": "req-2345679",
"nonce": 0,
"entityId": "hexString",
"ok": true,
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
# Indexer API
# Get Stats
Get general information & statistics about the current Vochain status.
"request": {
"method": "getStats",
"timestamp": 1620059835
"id": "887",
"response": {
"ok": true,
"request": "887",
"stats": {
"block_height": 26680,
"block_time": [
"block_time_stamp": 1620059824,
"chain_id": "vocdoni-development-39",
"entity_count": 9,
"envelope_count": 602,
"genesis_time_stamp": "2021-04-30T11:43:28.668436552Z",
"process_count": 19,
"syncing": false,
"transaction_count": 861,
"validator_count": 4
"timestamp": 1620059835
"id": "887",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Envelope List
Get a list of nullifiers for votes registered on a given process ID (at most, 64 per request).
The fromId
field works the same as in Get Process List.
"request": {
"from": 1,
"listSize": 3,
"method": "getEnvelopeList",
"processId": "hexString",
"timestamp": 1620067128
"id": "356",
"response": {
"envelopes": [
"height": 357,
"nullifier": "hexString",
"process_id": "hexString",
"tx_hash": "hexString",
"tx_index": 0,
"voter_id": "hexString"
"height": 359,
"nullifier": "hexString",
"process_id": "hexString",
"tx_hash": "hexString",
"tx_index": 0,
"voter_id": "hexString"
"height": 306,
"nullifier": "hexString",
"process_id": "hexString",
"tx_hash": "hexString",
"tx_index": 0,
"voter_id": "hexString"
"ok": true,
"request": "356",
"timestamp": 1620222421
"id": "356",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Block
Get the metadata for a single block on the Vochain by its height. num_txs
contains the number of transactions contained in this block. In order to access these transactions (the contents of the block), use Get Tx List for Block.
"request": {
"height": 24061,
"method": "getBlock",
"timestamp": 1620661000
"id": "561",
"response": {
"block": {
"hash": "hexString",
"last_block_hash": "hexString",
"num_txs": 0,
"proposer_address": "hexString",
"timestamp": "2021-05-10T15:37:50.477536778Z"
"ok": true,
"request": "561",
"timestamp": 1620661094
"id": "561",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Block By Hash
Get the metadata for a single block on the Vochain by its hash. num_txs
contains the number of transactions contained in this block. In order to access these transactions (the contents of the block), use Get Tx List for Block.
"request": {
"hash": "hexString",
"method": "getBlockByHash",
"timestamp": 1620661000
"id": "561",
"response": {
"block": {
"height": 24061,
"last_block_hash": "hexString",
"num_txs": 0,
"proposer_address": "hexString",
"timestamp": "2021-05-10T15:37:50.477536778Z"
"ok": true,
"request": "561",
"timestamp": 1620661094
"id": "561",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Block List
Get a list of confirmed blocks on the Vochain (at most, 64 per request).
The fromId
field works the same as in Get Process List.
"request": {
"from": 24031,
"listSize": 2,
"method": "getBlockList",
"timestamp": 1620660800
"id": "847",
"response": {
"blockList": [
"hash": "hexString",
"height": 24031,
"last_block_hash": "hexString",
"num_txs": 0,
"proposer_address": "hexString",
"timestamp": "2021-05-10T15:32:40.122987363Z"
"hash": "hexString",
"height": 24032,
"last_block_hash": "hexString",
"num_txs": 1,
"proposer_address": "hexString",
"timestamp": "2021-05-10T15:32:50.540679299Z"
"ok": true,
"request": "847",
"timestamp": 1620660882
"id": "847",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Tx
Get a single tx from the Vochain. height
is the block containing a transaction and txIndex
in the transaction's index on that block.
"request": {
"height": 27522,
"method": "getTx",
"timestamp": 1620068626,
"txIndex": 2,
"id": "632",
"response": {
"ok": true,
"request": "632",
"timestamp": 1620068626,
"tx": {
"hash": "hexString",
"signature": "hexString",
"tx": "base64String",
"id": "632",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Tx By ID (height)
Get a single tx from the Vochain. id
is that transaction's height on the vochain as a whole, and each ID value references a unique transaction. Transaction ID corresponds to the order in which that transaction was mined.
"request": {
"id": 851,
"method": "getTxById",
"timestamp": 1625063686
"id": "137",
"signature": "hexString"
"response": {
"ok": true,
"request": "137",
"timestamp": 1625063686,
"tx": {
"block_height": 354792,
"hash": "hexString",
"id": 851,
"signature": "hexString",
"tx": "base64String"
"id": "137",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Transaction By Hash
Get a single transaction from the Vochain. hash
is the hash of the bytes of that transaction and is identical to the hash
returned by other transaction API calls. More specifically, this value is the Tendermint hash of the entire req.Tx
added to the vochain state. This call can be used to verify that a transaction was mined.
"request": {
"hash": "hexString",
"method": "getTxByHash",
"timestamp": 1625063687
"id": "137",
"signature": "hexString"
"response": {
"ok": true,
"request": "137",
"timestamp": 1625063686,
"tx": {
"block_height": 354793,
"hash": "hexString",
"id": 852,
"signature": "hexString",
"tx": "base64String"
"id": "137",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Validator List
Get the list of all addresses currently validating blocks on the Vochain.
"request": {
"method": "getValidatorList",
"timestamp": 1620059997
"id": "199",
"response": {
"ok": true,
"request": "199",
"timestamp": 1620059998,
"validatorlist": [
"address": "base64string",
"power": 10,
"pubKey": "base64string"
"address": "base64string",
"power": 10,
"pubKey": "base64string"
"address": "base64string",
"power": 10,
"pubKey": "base64string"
"address": "base64string",
"power": 10,
"pubKey": "base64string"
"id": "199",
"signature": "hexString"
# Get Tx List For Block
Get a list of transactions contained in the given block (at most, 64 per request).
The fromId
field works the same as in Get Process List.
"request": {
"height": 27522,
"listSize": 1,
"method": "getTxListForBlock",
"timestamp": 1620070701
"id": "887",
"response": {
"ok": true,
"request": "887",
"timestamp": 1620070701,
"txList": [
"Hash": "hexString",
"Index": 0,
"Type": "vote"
"Hash": "hexString",
"Index": 1,
"Type": "vote"
"id": "887",
"signature": "hexString"
# File API
# Fetch File
Fetch a file from the P2P network (currently IPFS) and return it encoded in base 64.
"id": "req-2345679",
"request": {
"method": "fetchFile",
"uri": "<content uri>",
"timestamp": 1556110671
"signature": "hexString"
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"content": "base64Payload", // The contents of the file
"request": "req-2345679",
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
Used in:
# Add File
Uploads a file and pins it on an IPFS cluster. This private method is aimed to be used by the election organizer. The Gateway running the API is usually a private server, only used by entity admins.
These methods require authentication, following the JSON API rules.
"id": "req-2345679",
"request": {
"method": "addFile",
"type": "ipfs",
"content": "base64Payload", // File contents
"name": "string", // Human readable name to help identify the content in the future
"timestamp": 1556110671
"signature": "hexString"
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"uri": "<content uri>",
"request": "req-2345679",
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
Used in:
# List pinned files
This method provides private Gateway users with the list of resources that have been pinned on IPFS.
"id": "req-2345679",
"request": {
"method": "pinList",
"timestamp": 1556110671
"signature": "hexString"
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"files": [
{ "name": "file1.txt", "uri": "<content-uri>" },
{ "name": "file2.png", "uri": "<content-uri>" },
{ "name": "file3.bin", "uri": "<content-uri>" },
"request": "req-2345679",
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
# Pin a file
This method allows administrators to pin already existing remote content, so it remains available on IPFS.
"id": "req-2345679",
"request": {
"method": "pinFile",
"uri": "<content-uri>", // Multiple origins can be pinned at once
"timestamp": 1556110671
"signature": "hexString"
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"ok": true,
"request": "req-2345679",
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
# Unpin a file
This method is the counterpart of pin
and addFile
. It allows administrators to unpin and drop content from a Gateway so it doesn't eventually run out of space.
"id": "req-2345679",
"request": {
"method": "unpinFile",
"uri": "<content-uri>", // Multiple origins can be unpinned at once
"timestamp": 1556110671
"signature": "hexString"
"id": "req-2345679",
"response": {
"ok": true,
"request": "req-2345679",
"timestamp": 1556110672
"signature": "hexString"
# Using the API (for beginners)
If you don't have experience using a JSON API, let's run through an example. Here we'll be using curl (opens new window) to make requests to https://gw1.vocdoni.net, one of the gateways hosted by Vocdoni.
Open a terminal emulator and run the following command:
curl https://gw1.vocdoni.net/dvote -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json --data '{"id": "req00'$RANDOM'", "request": {"method": "getInfo", "timestamp":'$(date +%s)'}}'
you should see a response:
"response": {
"apiList": [
"health": 77,
"ok": true,
"request": "req0015529",
"timestamp": 1623410118
"id": "req0015529",
"signature": "a80f11f32190c5ae55ac6ed1494daf7fc570baa2d275403e6d497455d4a513e37ac42dbbee7e16ae38ce55850756038e7d88822d4bcdec00d6b2047601610ba301"
now we know that the gateway hosted at gw1.vocdoni.net enables the file, vote, results, and indexer apis.
Let's do some simple requests to learn more about the state of the Vochain.
curl https://gw1.vocdoni.net/dvote -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json --data '{"id": "req00'$RANDOM'", "request": {"method": "getStats", "timestamp":'$(date +%s)'}}'
"response": {
"ok": true,
"request": "req005711",
"stats": {
"block_height": 216810,
"block_time": [
"block_time_stamp": 1623417292,
"chain_id": "vocdoni-release-1.0.1",
"entity_count": 73,
"envelope_count": 1804,
"genesis_time_stamp": "2021-05-12T12:38:33.672114557Z",
"process_count": 202,
"syncing": false,
"validator_count": 5
"timestamp": 1623417311
"id": "req005711",
"signature": "e91bd3394104b416a2cacd9bf0f47d36e7e17a53edef072105f477c85bbbb9642865350182758e723048eb4c4c36a6e49844e99da3428933a5ec0384e87909f201"
we know there are 73 entities. Let's list the first 10:
curl https://gw1.vocdoni.net/dvote -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json --data '{"id": "req00'$RANDOM'", "request": {"method": "getEntityList", "from": 0, "listSize": 10, "timestamp":'$(date +%s)'}}'
"response": {
"entityIds": [
"ok": true,
"request": "req0026064",
"timestamp": 1623419048
"id": "req0026064",
"signature": "1ec2daddbc811f19bef08eaf5d922e0d8c030ee4e12d4cf888b82744899731d333831fb0ed5c804757f373b064be7451833e268056d5ef7e6534760bf2cd652a00"
Now let's see the list of processes started by the first entity:
curl https://gw1.vocdoni.net/dvote -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json --data '{"id": "req00'$RANDOM'", "request": {"method": "getProcessList", "from": 0, "listSize": 64, "entityID": "6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f", "timestamp":'$(date +%s)'}}'
"response": {
"ok": true,
"processList": [
"request": "req007487",
"size": 1,
"timestamp": 1623418108
"id": "req007487",
"signature": "c9fdf2faf545d1d4e669b4a61bb6165a33258df6c3033913002f4924aa3e5ba83157202639cf8508a0e80aee1ee44976a8a7ab174e2ff546cf71e4bcd6e5cb7001"
And finally, let's get the details of this process:
curl https://gw1.vocdoni.net/dvote -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json --data '{"id": "req00'$RANDOM'", "request": {"method": "getProcessSummary", "processID": "b21982b7a69d0a8b1e6645afbe12c9dec42703cd994f9b02bd8922a921325d15", "timestamp":'$(date +%s)'}}'
"response": {
"ok": true,
"processSummary": {
"blockCount": 50738,
"entityId": "6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f",
"entityIndex": 1,
"envelopeHeight": 0,
"envelopeType": {},
"sourceNetworkID": "UNKNOWN",
"startBlock": 15593,
"state": "RESULTS"
"request": "req009439",
"timestamp": 1623418186
"id": "req009439",
"signature": "b188b512c46446a8b23d1fc0dffd585076d8745c799a377db71bb63ff8aab1090d42df2d4fdef9f0ee6e736e38475b4babcf65dbe956fafcd3ffee163d44a27e01"
Hopefully now you have a rough idea of how to use the Gateway APIs.